le joueur lance sa boule sans élan ;
les pieds joints, à partir d'un cercle tracé au sol.
Forget Our Memories : XING
This can't go on.
It's for the best of us.
I can't seem to stop the tears rolling down and forcing on a smile.
Don't wanna show my tears.
I would be so less of a man.
I couldn't even do the one thing.
How foolish can I be?
Please forget our memories. Baby please forget our memories.
Just leave and don't ever come back to me.
You don't deserve a guy like me.
Don't look back just turn away Baby don't look back just turn away.
I know I'll regret it.
But I just want what's best for you and me.
I will be fine. I always will be fine.
I'll do anything to make you happy.
That's what I desire.
But this is hard for me.
I can not even find the words to say to you what is on my mind.
How foolish can I be?
Please forget our memories. Baby please forget our memories.
Just leave and don't ever come back to me.
You don't deserve a guy like me.
Don't look back just turn away
Baby don't look back just turn away.
I know I'll regret it.
But I just want what's best for you and me.
And though I gave her up in my life.
She will never live deep in my heart.
Things did not go according to the plan.
Whoa yeah~
I made my decision of letting go but I can't seem to know why I keep holding on to her.
Oh whoa~
Please forget our memories. Baby please forget our memories.
Just leave and don't ever come back to me.
You don't deserve a guy like me.
Don't look back just turn away
Baby don't look back just turn away.
I know I'll regret it.
But I just want what's best for you and me.
Ooh~ Whoa~
I just want what's best for~ you and me.
Since Christopher Robin loved Winnie so much, he renamed the bear that he had received for his 1st birthday, Edward Bear, and called him Winnie the Bear. A poem from "When We Were Very Young" tells that Christopher Robin met a swan, and called him Pooh, but the swan has gone now, so Christopher Robin changed Winnie the Bear to Winnie the Pooh in honor of the swan.
Christopher Robin's father, Alan Alexander Milne, loved to watch Christopher Robin and Pooh play together in Ashdown Forest, so he wrote stories about them, along with Christopher Robin's other toys, Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore, Kanga and Roo. He also made up the characters Rabbit and Owl, based on real animal living in the Forest. In the stories, Asdown Forest was called the Hundred Acre Woods. "Winnie the Pooh" was published in 1926, followed by "The House At Pooh Corner" in 1928.
In 1961 in America, Walt Disney was reading the Pooh stories to his children. He liked the idea of Winnie the Pooh and his friends, so he decided to use Pooh in a movie. After all of the neccesary paperwork, Walt set out to create his dream. In 1966, "Winnie The Pooh And The Honey Tree" was a big success, and in 1968, "Winnie The Pooh And The Blustery Day" won an Academy award. In 1974 another Pooh movie was made, called "Winnie The Pooh And Tigger Too".
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Comme leur nom l'indique, l'innovation la plus notable des poissons osseux est l'os. Le tissus osseux périchondral qui renforçait certains cartilages se généralise, et conduit à deux types d'os d'origines différentes :
L'os enchondral (associé au mésoderme), qui remplace au cours du développement les pièces cartilagineuses du squelette interne ;
surtout, l'os dermique, qui se forme à partir du derme (tissus de l'ectoderme), apparaît. Il donne les os de la boîte crânienne et les ceintures scapulaires, ainsi que les rayons des nageoires (qui évolueront ultérieurement en membres).
On observe aussi la présence de sacs aériens connectés au tube digestif qui donneront les poumons des vertébrés terrestres et les vessies natatoires des Actinoptérygiens. Ces sacs aériens sont soupconnés chez certains Gnathostomes fossiles. Les tentatives d'émancipation du milieu aquatique seraient alors apparues dans ce clade.
Les principales fonctionnalités évolutives explorées au niveau des poissons osseux sont l'articulation de la mâchoire, de plus en plus structurée, et la forme et la mobilité des nageoires.